League of Legends Patch 10.8 is here, handing both the bot lane and jungle a reshuffle. Seven AD carries, including Senna and Aphelios, are being updated, while major jungle changes will reward junglers for making bold plays in the early game.
Patch 10.8 for League could have major implications for the meta, at least in the bot lane. The latest update for the MOBA has a host of balance changes for the role’s strongest champions, including Senna, Aphelios, Varus, and Kalista.
Other lanes haven’t been neglected, though. A shake-up to the jungle will reward bold plays in the early game — and punish those that are unsuccessful — as well as help solo laners get huge leads over their opponents.
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Senna is once again being nerfed in Patch 10.8.The bot lane meta could be changing
Seven AD carries, and one support, have been targeted for changes in Patch 10.8. These changes aren’t small either, and could have drastic effects on the way bot lane is played.
Senna, Aphelios, Varus, and Kalista have all been nerfed. The four ADCs have dominated both casual, ranked, and pro play, turning into must picks in almost every game. However, with nerfs to their sustainability and damage across the board in 10.8, they won’t be as blind pickable.
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Xayah, Tristana, and Ashe should make a resurgence after they were buffed in their place. Tristana’s extra damage on E, and Ashe’s boost of attack speed on Q should are huge changes that might just catapult both champions to the top of the tier list.
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On top of that, Soraka was buffed in a pretty big way. She was having mana problems since her return to the bot lane, but those have been solved in Patch 10.8. With an increase to her base mana pool, and reduced costs on Q, we might be seeing more of the Starchild in support.
Soraka will rise up the support tier list after her Patch 10.8 buffs.Solo XP changes are high risk, high reward for junglers
Dying in the early game won’t be as painful for every role, especially junglers, as of Patch 10.8. Unless you get solo killed — then you’re in for a world of hurt.
Changes to solo and shared XP will benefit players who outplay their opponents individually in the early game. Solo kills are worth 20% more XP between levels 1-6, while shared kill XP is down by 20%. For levels 7-8, they are worth 10% more and less respectively.
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Dying early shouldn’t be too punishing, gold-wise. Homeguards will now activate on respawn, regardless of when you die, cutting the time to return to lane down by around 2.5 seconds.
For junglers, this means you’ll be able to get back into your jungle and not fall too far behind without catchup experience. However, if you get constantly punished in the early game, things will be rough.
Prestige Coven Zyra will be hitting the Rift in Patch 10.8.On top of these balance changes, Sett and Master Yi have been nerfed. On the flip side, Evelynn, Orianna, Ryze, and Urgot have been buffed.
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The Coven skins, including Prestige Coven Zyra, are also being released on Patch 10.8. Players will be able to pick them up from April 16 onwards.
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You can find the full Patch 10.8 notes below.
League Patch 10.8 notes
Passive: The Hitman and the Seer
- Aphelios no longer gains 3/6/9/12/15/18% bonus armor penetration
- Aphelios now gains 2/4/6/8/10/12 lethality
Q: Weapons of the Faithful
- Aphelios’ weapons actives’ base damage and cooldowns scale over levels 1-9 ⇒ levels 1-13
- Moonshot AD ratio: 0.6 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.42-0.6 (levels 1-13) bonus attack damage
- Onslaught AD ratio: 0.3 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.21-0.3 (levels 1-13) bonus attack damage
- Binding Eclipse AD ratio: 0.35 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.26-0.35 (levels 1-13) bonus attack damage
- Duskwave AD ratio: 0.8 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.56-0.8 (levels 1-13) bonus attack damage
- Sentry AD ratio: 0.5 bonus attack damage ⇒ 0.35-0.5 (levels 1-13) bonus attack damage
Q: Ranger’s Focus
- Bonus attack speed: 20/25/30/35/40% ⇒ 20/30/40/50/60%
Q: Hate Spike
- Base damage: 25/30/35/40/45 (75/90/105/120/135 maximum damage) ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50 (90/105/120/135/150 maximum damage)
Base stats
- Armor: 23 ⇒ 21
E: Rend
- Slow: 25/30/35/40/45% ⇒ 10/18/26/34/42%
Master Yi
R: Highlander
- Bonus attack speed: 30/55/80% ⇒ 25/45/65%
W: Command Dissonance
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- Ally haste/enemy slow: 20/25/30/35/40% movement speed ⇒ 30/35/40/45/50% movement speed
E: Command Protect
- Shield ratio: 0.4 ability power ⇒ 0.5 ability power
Base stats
- Health: 570.48 ⇒ 575
- Armor: 21.552 ⇒ 22
- Attack damage: 55.04 ⇒ 56
Q: Overload
- Movement speed: 20/25/30/35/40% when consuming 2 runes ⇒ 28/32/36/40/44% when consuming 2 runes
Passive: Absolution
- Mist wraith spawn chance: 25% on minions Senna doesn’t kill ⇒ 22% on minions Senna doesn’t kill
W: Haymaker
- Base damage: 90/120/150/180/210 ⇒ 80/105/130/155/180
Base stats
- Mana: 375 ⇒ 425
Q: Starcall
- Cost: 60/65/70/75/80 mana ⇒ 45/50/55/60/65 mana
E: Explosive Charge
- Attack damage ratio: 50/70/90/110/130% bonus attack damage ⇒ 50/75/100/125/150% bonus attack damage
E: Disdain
- Movement speed bugfix: Fixed an issue where he wasn’t getting extra movement speed on dash
- Stun bugfix: Urgot now properly has a total CC duration of 1.5 seconds, including stun duration and time elapsed when enemy champion is flung, as intended from patch 10.6. (tooltip also now correctly reflects said total CC duration).
R: Fear Beyond Death
- Cooldown: 120/95/70 seconds ⇒ 100/85/70 seconds
R: Chain of Corruption
- Cooldown 110/90/70 seconds ⇒ 130/100/70 seconds
E: Bladecaller
- Additional damage: 10% less damage per feather ⇒ 5% less damage per feather
Funnel Mechanics
Unique: Monster Hunter
- Minion gold penalty trigger Gold earned from minion kills is greater than 50% of your gold earned from monsters ⇒ 40% of your gold earned from monsters
- Minion gold penalty removal: At 14:00 ⇒ At 20:00
Death Changes
- On death, gain a smaller version of Homeguards which gives the player about 2.5 seconds less time to get back to lane
- At levels 1-6, a champion’s solo kills grant 20% more experience and assisted kills grant 20% less experience. At levels 7-8, these numbers are reduced to 10%
Jungle buffs and QoL changes
- Jungle camp XP: 1.25x more XP at levels 9+ ⇒ 1.35x more XP at levels 9+ (between 10-13 additional XP per camp)
- Nail, Tooth, and Tooth/Nail passives: Now heals for 50% more when below 30% maximum health
Practice tool additions
Target Dummy/Bot
- Add 100 HP to Unit
Subtract 100 HP from Unit
Add 10 Armor/MR to Unit
Subtract 10 Armor/MR from Unit
Game Clock
- Time Fast Forward 600s (note: Time Fast Forward 30s already exists)
Neutral Camps
- Spawn Baron Nashor
Spawn Rift Herald
Player Control
- Kill Player Character (Suicide)
- Fully Stack Legend: Alacrity, Legend: Tenacity, Legend: Bloodline, Manaflow Band, Zombie Ward, Ghost Poro, Eyeball Collection, Ravenous Hunter, Ingenious Hunter, Relentless Hunter, and Ultimate Hunter runes.
- Evelynn’s W – Allure properly damages at all levels from any range when cast on Baron Nashor
- Oracle Lens can be used immediately if it is the player’s first purchased trinket instead of defaulting to a 90 second cooldown
- Lissandra’s Frozen Thrall from Passive – Iceborn Subjugation now properly appears whenever an enemy champion dies nearby her, regardless of whether or not she’s attacked them
- Neeko now properly deals basic attack damage to any enemy target when transformed as Wukong with Passive – Inherent Glamour
Mordekaiser can no longer cast Teleport while being in his R – Realm of Death - When Ornn recasts his R – Call Of The Forge God it will properly redirect in the direction of the dash, not towards Ornn’s pathing
- Ally clones will no longer take damage from Tahm Kench’s W – Devour
Annie’s W – Incinerate can no longer be seen in Fog of War by her enemies