You can encounter Patches early on in the Elden Ring campaign if you go out of your way to find him. He’s tucked away inside the Murkwater Cave, where you’ll briefly do battle against him. However, you’ll have the chance to spare him during the fight, and he becomes a useful merchant. Later, there’s an opportunity for him to return to his old tricks and kick you off a ledge. Here’s what you need to do to get Patches to kick you off a ledge in Elden Ring.
You’ll need to make your way to the Atlus Plateau and find your way over to Mt. Gelmir. There, you’ll need to navigate your way up towards Volcano Mano, but stop before you reach the rock bridge that connects the First Mt. Gelmir Campsite site of grace to the Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite site of grace. You need to take a left and move towards the Gelmir Hero’s Grave. To the north of this location, before you encounter the wolves, there will be a glowing object on the side of a cliff.
Approach the object, and a cutscene will play. Your character will be there to examine the object. Soon after, Patches appear behind your character and kick them down into Seethewater, where you can now access Seethewater Cave and Seethewater River. While mildly inconvenient, you now have access to multiple unique locations on Mt. Glimer. Thank you, Patches.
About the author
Zack Palm
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