The late actor appeared in RRR, starring Ram Charan and Jr. NTR. In the movie, he played the antagonist Governor Scott Buxton, the main antagonist. Ray was remembered by SS Rajamouli, who shared a photo of the two of them from the set. He mentioned in his post that he's startled and 'just can't believe the news'.
His post read, "Shocking... Just can't believe this news. Ray brought in so much energy and vibrancy with him to the sets. It was infectious. Working with him was pure joy. My prayers are with his family. May his soul rest in peace."
Last night, the official Twitter handle of RRR shared a post as they mourned Ray's loss. Their post read, "What shocking news for all of us on the team! Rest in peace, Ray Stevenson. You will stay in our hearts forever, SIR SCOTT."
Jr NTR also took to Twitter to share a heartbreaking note on Ray Stevenson's passing away. He wrote, "Shocked to hear about Ray Stevenson's passing. Gone too soon. It was a great experience working with him. May his soul rest in peace. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and dear ones during this difficult time”
Ray was popularly also known for featuring in the 2011 film Thor and its sequel Thor Ragnarok. He appeared as Volstagg, a member of Asgard and friend of the titular character Thor.
SEE ALSO: Ray Stevenson of Thor, RRR fame, passes away at 58
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