Welcome to Zockify’s Season of Discovery Talent Calculator for WoW SoD Phase 2. The season is based on the WoW Classic 1.15 client and adds new content on top of it. New additions include runes that every class can find and equip. In our WoW Classic SoD talent calculator, you can plan your build with all known runes.
Select Your Class
Note: we expect the head and wrists slot to become available in Phase 3 for the first time. We will update this if there is any official confirmation or at the launch of Phase 2. The slots waist and feet are officially confirmed for Phase 2.
How Does the Season of Discovery Talent Calculator Work?
The talent calculator has received the rune system as a new feature for the Season of Discovery. In our SoD Talent Calculator, you can assign one of the available runes to selected equipment slots (chest, hands, legs, waist, and feet). When the Season of Discovery is released, runes can only be assigned to these equipment slots. If new equipment slots are added in later phases of the season, we will add these to the talent planner.
The talents you see in the talent calculator work the same as they do in Classic Era or Classic Hardcore. You must invest at least 5 points in the first line of a tree before you can invest points in the second line. To unlock talents from the third line, you must have invested 10 points in the respective talent tree and so on.
To get started, please select a class at the top of this document first. You can choose between Druid, Hunter, Mage, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock, and Warrior. Selecting a class will load all talents and runes for that specific class. Now you can spend your talent points and select the runes to create a build for dungeons, raids, or PvP.
AdWhat are Runes in Season of Discovery?
Runes are items that you can find in the world in Season of Discovery. Runes can be assigned to equipment slots and give your character powerful passive effects. In our WoW SoD Runes guide you will find all runes and their effects. Each rune determines which equipment slot you can assign it to. This is automatically filtered for you in our talent calculator.
If you are looking for build guides for your current class, you’ll find all details in our WoW SoD Tier List & Builds Directory.
Are the Talents and Runes Final?
The runes are already available in the WoW Classic 1.15 client. They are not accessible by playing the game outside of SoD, but they can be data mined. It is likely, that the runes will change even during phases of SoD. We will keep the SoD talent calculator up to date.